Applications and hardware - summer deadlines

During the summer, the IT department will carry out maintenance work, replacements and a refresh of the IT environment at the university. In order for everything to be ready for the start of the semester, there are some important dates to relate to.

Important dates

  • 20/5 new/updated application
  • 7/6 order hardware
  • Pre-installed application in labs and VDI as soon as you know

What happens at JU this summer is:

  • all computer labs will be reinstalled
  • all lecture computers will be reinstalled
  • VDI (JTH) will be refreshed (remove applications)

The reinstallation of computers and the refresh of VDI means that only a standard installation with Windows and Office remains. In computer labs and on lecture computers, software can be installed from Software Center. If you want a lab to be pre-installed with a software, use the form "Order pre-installation External link, opens in new window.". The same form is used if you want an application that is in Software Center to be in the VDI environment. In VDI you can not install software yourself.

Think about:

- which applications do I need?

- should any be updated?

- do we need to purchase some?

- should it be pre-installed?

- should it be available in VDI?


Place your order as soon as possible!

Before the start of the new semester, there are many software that must be newly acquired or updated to a new version. A complete order must be received by IT service via the form "Order software External link, opens in new window." no later than 20 May. After this, our process starts with obtaining license files etc., building distribution packages for Software Center and doing tests together with teachers who verify that everything works. After the tests, time is needed for any corrections and new tests before we can deploy the software in Software Center. If the software is to be pre-installed in a lab or in the VDI environment and be available for the start of the semester, we would like you to include it in the order in May, otherwise as soon as possible when the labs are booked. Software that is not new or updated also needs to be ordered for pre-installation in labs and VDI. Orders for pre-installation or installation in the VDI environment that we recieve later than 9 August cannot be guaranteed in time for the start of the semester.

Process för beställning av ny/uppdaterad programvara

Think about:

- new employees for August?

- equopment for new employees?

Place your order as soon as possible!

In cases where computers or other IT equipment are needed before the start of the semester, IT service needs to receive a correctly completed order via the forms "Order computer or tablet External link, opens in new window." or "Order other IT External link, opens in new window." no later than 7 June. When the order has been received, we place an order with our suppliers. Suppliers' delivery times may be delayed during the summer due to holidays or lack of hardware. When delivering a computer, technicians take over the case and install the computer to the user.

Diagram som visar hur bemanningen på IT-avdelningen går ner under sommaren